To enter, select your home state. Write your phone number, email, and tentative team name under the notes section at checkout.
- Contest will be held June 15th (“Rain date” of June 16th) at 2nd Street.
- The contest will start at 9:30am! Live music on the beach.
- This is a Team format event, each team must have 4 designated surfers and build a Fort for their Team (Pop-up tents are highly discouraged). You can have as many additional Team members on the beach for support as you desire
- Awards given for Team Spirit, Most Valuable Blazer, Best Surfer, etc.
Upon purchase, the purchaser/contestant agrees to the WRV Release and Waiver of Liability *(Please see below; Please read carefully before purchasing)*
*WRV Release and Waiver of Liability:
The contestant hereby acknowledges that participation in the contest and related activities involved in inherent risk of physical injury, and the contestant, on behalf of the registrant, hereby assumes all such risk and does hereby release and forever discharge WRV and all volunteers of the Logstradamus Contest and agents thereof from any and all known liability of whatever kind of nature, arising from and by reason of any and all known and unknown, foreseen and unforeseen body and personal injuries, damage to property, and the consequences thereof, resulting from the registrant's participation in or involvement with this contest, including any failure of equipment or defect in the premises. Any photographs taken at the contest are subject to be used on social media and can possibly be used for advertising the contest. I hereby state that I am age 18 or older or am the legal guardian of said child participating.